Seasons in India: When is the Best Time to Travel in India?

Seasons in India are a type of climate, this is affected by two types of winds – one from the Arabian Sea and the other from the Bay of Bengal. The seasons of India have been structured by the Hindu calendar. According to traditional Indian culture the Indian subcontinent goes through six seasons, each with an estimated duration of two months. These are as follows – spring, summer, monsoon, early autumn, late autumn and winter.

When you travel to a new country, there are many things that you have to consider first. One of them would be when to travel to that country to get the best that you can out of it while you’re there. If you’re traveling to India, you might be wondering when the best time to travel there is.

Before you get your answer, you first need to acquaint yourself with the different “seasons in India“. Let’s first start with the Spring season.

1. Vasant Ritu (Spring)

Vasant Ritu is the Spring season in India. It is one of the more pleasant seasons to travel to India, and not only because of the pleasant temperatures all around. Since it’s Spring season, expect the birds to be chirping and the flowers to be blooming. During this time, the days become longer, and the nights grow shorter.

Spring season in India

Usually, the Spring season is during the two months of March and April.

Given these conditions, it’s best to be out in nature during this time, so consider a hiking trip. This season is also when many festivals occur, so you might get a chance to observe one when you travel during this time.

2. Grishma Ritu (Summer)

Grishma Ritu, or the Summer season in India, is also usually a two-month endeavor, specifically during May and June. This is the season when the days are the longest and the nights are the shortest. Plus, it’s also going to get hot during this season, so make sure to prepare your sun protection in many forms.

Summer season in India

Grishma Ritu is also the start of the first monsoon season all over the country, so preparing for the rain is also a must. Prepare yourself for a very humid atmosphere, especially if you’re in a rural area.

3. Varsha Ritu (Monsoon)

If Grishma Ritu, or Monsoon season in India, is the start of the first monsoon, Varsha Ritu starts the second monsoon or India’s primary monsoon season. Varsha Ritu happens during July and August. Another name that the tourism sector of India would call this season is the green season.

Monsoon season in India

The nights will start becoming longer now, and the days will become shorter. Expect plenty of rain during this season. Since it’s going to be rainy, doing too many outdoorsy activities might lead to interruptions due to the rain, so make sure you’re prepared for that.

4. Sharad Ritu (Autumn)

After all, that rain comes Sharad Ritu or the Autumn season in India. The Autumn season in India also has the nickname of the season of velvet. The weather or, more specifically, the temperatures during this time are also quite pleasant. It’s warm enough, so you’re not freezing, but cool enough, so you’re not sweating all the time.

Autumn season in India

Usually, this happens during September and October.

Both local and foreign tourists love this season as well due to its comfortability. During this season, the length of both day and night are almost equal at this point.

5. Hemant Ritu (Pre-Winter)

Hemant Ritu is the Indian season that happens right before it’s winter. That’s when the cool Autumn breeze starts having a bite to it and no warmth at all. It usually begins during the months of November and December. You can expect that the days will now change places with the night and become shorter during this time.

Pre-Winter season in India

Consider gorging in heavier meals during this time so that it can help warm your body as the temperatures become chillier.

6. Shishir Ritu (Winter)

After the pre-winter, now comes the actual winter season or the Shishir Ritu in India. Shishir Ritu is the coolest in India, where the average temperature is about 20°C or 68°F. This season usually happens during January and February.

Winter season in India

Since it’s winter, the mountain caps start getting covered in snow. It’s a great time to travel to these mountains if you’re a fan of playing around in the snow. North India is particularly popular during the winter.

Duration and Temperature of Climate (Season) in India

Traditionally, North Indians note six seasons or Ritu, each about two months long. These are the spring season (Sanskrit: vasanta), summer season (grīṣma), monsoon season (varṣā), autumn season (śarada), winter season (hemanta), and prevernal season (śiśira). These are based on the astronomical division of the twelve months into six parts.

SpringMarch- April25 °C
SummerMay- June38 °C
MonsoonJuly- August34 °C
AutumnSeptember- October33 °C
Pre-WinterNovember- December27 °C
WinterJanuary- February23 °C
Read Also: This Summer Feel Fresh Through Trekking

5 Tips When Visiting India

Now that you know the different seasons that India experiences, you can start planning your trip to the country. When planning a trip to India, there are several things that you have to consider. Here are five travel tips that you should follow to help you plan out your trip to India.

Things You Should Bring

Depending on when you plan on visiting and what activities you would be doing, the things you should bring with you will differ. However, several basics will be helpful no matter what season it is, and some are for emergencies or unexpected changes.

Here are a few items that should help you deal with India’s weather situation, no matter what happens.

  • Sun protection (Sunglasses, Hat, Sunscreen)
  • Rain jacket
  • Loose, comfortable clothing

Rain or shine, having this with you in your bag while you travel India will be helpful so that you are as comfortable with the weather situation. Sun protection, especially sunscreen, is crucial no matter what. An emergency rain jacket is practical, and you can bring it with you to the plane. Loose, comfortable clothing will help keep you cool and relaxed.

Prepare Yourself for Culture Shock

If you’re not from India or it’s your first time there, you should be respectful of their culture. It will be different from what you’re used to if you’ve never been there, so it’s best that you don’t look down on things simply because you’re unfamiliar with them.

Have an open mind, an open heart, and you’ll find that the experience will be a lot more favorable for you.

Pick the Perfect Route

There is a lot to see when you’re traveling around India, so you want to make sure that you plan out your route. Pick and choose which places you’re good with missing out on because you can’t see everything at once in one trip to India. Therefore, picking the best route for one trip is an excellent idea to do beforehand.

Cover Yourself and Dress Conservatively

India is a conservative place, so it’s best that you follow the customs in your short stay there and dress appropriately for their culture. Even if it’s usually warm in India, you should avoid wearing anything that’s too low-cut or short. This rule is doubly critical if you want to stop by any religious places in India.

Know the Best Time to Travel

Truth be told: there’s no right or wrong answer. It all depends on what you want to do and where you want to go in India. Consult this article on India’s different seasons and the months they’re happening to help guide you when it’s best to travel to India.

There are many things to do and see in India and, with six seasons altogether, many different sides to India. Going to India during different seasons provides different experiences, so if you’re planning on traveling there, make sure that you check what season it is there and then plan accordingly.

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